Where is the United Federation of Planets? Mini-poster


Two-sided mini-poster showing Star Trek’s real stars and their locations in the sky and in the Milky Way galaxy, with explanatory article.


A two-sided mini-poster charting the 43 real objects mentioned in the entire collection of Star Trek series and movies. On one side are the objects plotted on galactic scales, indeed, using the list of objects is a good educational assignment! On the obverse is a chart showing where all the objects are in Earthly skies. Sprinkle your sky talks with Star Trek interest by pointing out Spock’s homeworld and the stars nearest the borders of the Romulans, Klingons, and Andorians! Which stars are also known to have exoplanets are listed as well as their Star Trek lore.

Based on an article from TCA Issue 18 (included!).